書籍2冊到着中、うち「I Appeal Unto Caesar」の翻訳が大問題、さっそくテストしましたが(祈)†


ハァ、ハァ、長文撃ち終わって疲れたのにまだ作業がある。2冊到着したうちの「I Appeal Unto Caesar」コチラがよく買えたなぁ、よく届いたなぁという奇跡的書籍で、しかも状態も結構よくてビックリ。さっそく少しスキャンしてOCR変換およびGoogle翻訳をおこないました。このようになりました↓

Now I would capture again a thread of Paul’s journey.*
The Pentecost ship, as the chronicler hath named it, sailed from the coast of Pamphylia and made a fair way in the ripening year. Paul gazed again upon Cyprus and bethought him of that gallant brother Barnabas who had perished there, giving his life for his faith in Christ Jesus.
On that day a cloud gathered about the spirit of the Saint. But it lifted when, in the far distance, he perceived the dark shape of the Mount of Carmel. It spoke to him of home, of his own people who now might reject him. It stood out darkly and gave remembrance to Paul of the malice of his enemies. Peradventure they already awaited him on the road to Jerusalem, peradventure the knife and the slayer had already been appointed, the unknown earth chosen for the concealment of his corpse.
“And I shall hail such a man as my deliverer," said Paul to Luke. “I shall be delivered from the death we call life, I shall rise into the company of Barnabas, of Saul my father and my beloved. At last I shall be free from all hatred, and at peace.
In a little while the ship drew nigh to Tyre. When anchor had been loosed, the travellers sought out the brethren in that town. Paul was glad once more, for he came upon Mark; and now Mark was no longer the doubter, he was the friend and the pupil of Paul. He hailed him as a master and caused the chief merchant in the town to give him lodging, praying him to abide in that city.
* Acts XXI

第 1 章
* 使徒行伝 21

There were many believers in Tyre. For Mark and Peter had visited it in several seasons. These brethren welcomed Paul and revered him as the chief witness for Christ in the western world. Paul’s host spoke wrathfully of the plotting of the priests in Jerusalem against the Saint, offered him his possessions and declared that he was a glory to the race of the Jews. Wherefore Paul rejoiced, because he perceived that certain of his own people loved him despite the enmity of the powerful ones among them. On the first day of the week a great company assembled. Seven young men, clad in white robes, came forth at the hour when prayer was ended and all watched for the Spirit. One by one these youths passed by Mark, and each in turn halted before the white-haired saint, speaking with closed eyes, giving forth the Spirit’s holy word.
“Go not up to Jerusalem," each of the Seven declared. “Sorrow will be heaped on sorrow if thou dost follow the road that leadeth to the Temple of Zion. Turn backwards. Go west- wards. For verily, in the east there is only darkness for thee, and the hidden evil. Beware of the scribes, for they commune together, designing thine overthrow. Beware of the Pharisees, they cannot forgive thine offering to God of the souls of many thousands of the Gentiles. Beware of the Sadducees, for they would have thee pounded into little pieces as by a pestle in a mortar. Beware of the priests, who in this hour, devise a cunning snare for thee; so that they may set the seal of dumbness upon thy lips and hold thee in silence in the hidden places; so that the Gentiles may no more hear the voice of their shepherd upon the hillside.

「エルサレムへは上って行かないでください」と7人全員が宣言しました。 「もしあなたがシオンの神殿に通じる道をたどるなら、悲しみは悲しみに重なるだろう。後ろを振り向いて、西へ行きなさい。まことに、東には暗闇と隠れた悪があるだけだ。律法学者に気をつけなさい。彼らは共謀して、あなたの打倒を企んでいる。パリサイ人に気をつけなさい。彼らは、あなたが何千もの異邦人の魂を神に捧げたことを許すことができない。サドカイ人に気をつけなさい。彼らは、すり鉢の中の杵であなたを粉々に打ち砕こうとする。祭司たちに気をつけなさい。彼らはこの時に、あなたに巧妙な罠を仕掛ける。彼らはあなたの唇に沈黙の封印をし、隠れた場所であなたを黙らせようとする。異邦人が丘の上の羊飼いの声をもう聞かないようにするためだ。」





Posted by たきざわ彰人(霊覚者)祈†